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5 New Year’s Goals for Appraisers and Small Business Owners

Flipping wooden cubes for new year change 2020 to 2021

The year 2020 was unpredictable, challenging, and downright stressful. Were your business goals among the many things that were put on hold last year? If so, maybe now you’re in a place where you’re ready to revisit and reassess those goals for the year ahead. Here are five New Year’s goals for real estate appraisers and small business owners to pursue in 2021.

1. Develop a business plan appropriate for 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the current state of the economy, your business plan may look different this year. This article from The Business Journals breaks down some helpful guidelines for how to develop a 2021 business plan that’s appropriate for the times we’re in. As a business owner, you are encouraged to “set conservative projections,” “incorporate adaptability,” “take care of your people,” and “plan for unusual scenarios.”

2. Automate your business tasks

As an appraiser or small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to increase your productivity so that you can complete more assignments and earn more income each month. Check out Entrepreneur’s list of 10 Tools to Help Automate Your Small Business Tasks to find recommendations for things like payroll and invoicing automation, as well as tools to help with marketing, team communication, expense tracking, appointment scheduling, and more.

3. Learn to delegate

If you are a busy appraiser who needs help keeping up with your workload, or if you want to slow down for personal or health reasons, it’s probably time that you learn to delegate—and do more of it. This Forbes article on How to Delegate Effectively offers sound advice for success. It emphasizes the importance of being strategic, setting expectations, trusting your team, and holding them accountable.

Q&A with Jo Traut: Learn about the pros and cons of hiring a trainee in our post, Is It Time to Take On an Appraisal Trainee?

4. Prioritize balance

The workday for a typical appraiser or small business owner doesn’t always end at 5 pm on Friday and start back up again at 9am on Monday. To avoid burnout, especially in the wake of a year as stressful as 2020, it’s important that your New Year’s goals include maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Mental Health America offers these practical tips to help combat stress and achieve balance in your life.

5. Learn something new

Learning something new can help you expand your skillset and open up new opportunities for the future. Will 2021 be the year that you upgrade your appraisal license or break into a new niche, like green home appraisal or luxury home appraisal? With home foreclosures and especially commercial property foreclosures on the rise, it may be a good time to specialize in REO appraisal or commercial appraisal.

Free Download: Your Guide to an Appraisal License Upgrade

McKissock’s online appraisal school offers a wide array of continuing education and professional development courses. You can purchase individual courses or buy a membership for unlimited access to all classes and webinars. Plus, you can learn online from the safety and comfort of your own home.

McKissock Appraisal Unlimited Learning Membership

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Brent Bowen

Loosening The Knot

Something that I like to do is to research the etymology of various words. This is essential in understanding older/historical texts, so that you can

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