Saturday, April 20, 2024 | The Latest Buzz for the Appraisal Industry

Appraisal Buzzcast Episode 4: The Millionaire Appraiser

Buzzcast Episode 4: The Millionaire Appraiser from Appraisal Buzzcast on Vimeo.

Joan Trice, our founder and CEO, interviews The Millionaire Appraiser, Terrence Bilodeau. How does one reach such a milestone? Terrence dropped out of school at what age? What advice can he offer to appraisers? These questions and much more will be answered by Terrence Bilodeau as he shares about his life’s journey and how he runs his business.

Brent Bowen

Loosening The Knot

Something that I like to do is to research the etymology of various words. This is essential in understanding older/historical texts, so that you can

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