Tuesday, April 16, 2024 | The Latest Buzz for the Appraisal Industry

Major Players Make Waves in FinTech

By Aly J. Yale

The digital evolution continues, as not one but three major financial players make moves toward a more FinTech-driven future. In a two-day span, Morgan Stanley, Misys, and D+H all announced initiatives that could shape the trajectory of the industry. At its Tuesday’s Financials Conference, Morgan Stanley, a financial services and wealth management firm, announced it will launch a digital mortgage platform in 2018. Meanwhile, Misys, a financial software provider, and D+H, a financial technology distributor, announced the two firms will merge to form Finastra. Finastra will be the third-largest FinTech company in the world.

The post Major Players Make Waves in FinTech appeared first on theMReport.com.

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Brent Bowen

Loosening The Knot

Something that I like to do is to research the etymology of various words. This is essential in understanding older/historical texts, so that you can

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